accuracy of pistol calibre bolt actions
Fellas just wondering if anyone could weigh in on the accuracy of their gun, if they own one of these. I am particularly interested in accuracy of the delisle style carbines. We have a couple of types here in OZ. The kit style, which is usually adding a 45 barrel, mag and bolt adaptor to the gun. Then the more corrrect delisle setup which is setting that barrel back into the action, shortening the bolt and changing the magazine setup. The latter version better to look at in my opinion, and much neater short action stroke to cycle, but I wondered if either type is more or less accurate?
Pistol calibre carbines in lever actions you are usually happy if you can get 4" at 100 yards. Semi-autos I have no experience with but from what I can read they can go from that accurate to much worse. The ruger 357 and 44/77 bolt actions can also be a bit all over the place too, so I have seen off the ruger forums. Feel free to weigh in with whatever you have got.