2208 is Varget. Works for .223, .243, 7mm-08, and .308. At a minimum.
2209 is good for .243, 6.5s (most of them), .270,.280, .30-06.
2217 is H1000.
Save this for overbite cases and magnums 7mm RM and .300 WM.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
2208 is Varget. Works for .223, .243, 7mm-08, and .308. At a minimum.
2209 is good for .243, 6.5s (most of them), .270,.280, .30-06.
2217 is H1000.
Save this for overbite cases and magnums 7mm RM and .300 WM.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk