Anyone used this new powder from ADI , Bench Mark 8208 ?
Later Chris
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Anyone used this new powder from ADI , Bench Mark 8208 ?
Later Chris
No, but getting some to try for the .223. I dont know if I will see the benefits on paper but may do on the chrony? I just wanna try it.:D BMII has been excellent stuff for me so probably a waste of time.
Yeap ,
See they did a write up of it in a Aussie mag , Sporting Shooter , I want to see IF its better for me 308 loads than 2208 .
Later Chris
Dad uses it in his .223. R93 is on the money with his thinking there. That reflects what dad sound in his. Velocity and accuracy was almost identical between BM2 and AR 8208 but the velocity spread was very much reduced using 8208.
where do you find the 8208?
i can't seem to see it on anyones website here in NZ
Looks like it would be worth trying in 708 with heavy pills however ljp i think tried it anddidnt find any advantage
IMR 8208XBR I believe is the same powder, use lots of it. good powder