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Thread: Am I being stupid?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Stratford, Taranaki

    Am I being stupid?

    As the title suggests... Recently I bought a Lee Loader for my old 303. I've used one before so know the benefits and limitations. I've also bought a set of scales to be able to work up loads etc and make everything more versatile. I've also had a full press and reloading set up many years ago.

    Well.... I also have a 223 and 308 and have just bought a Lee Loader for each for them. Now that probably sounds stupid because I could buy a Lee press for the nearly same price as the 2 Lee Loaders ($148 freight included).

    My reasoning.... Ammo and reloading components are in short supply and I can't see that changing for a quite some time, and to be honest; I enjoyed handloading. I can't get my ammo choice for the 223 (Buffalo with the 55gr Gameking) but I now have 100 of those projectiles and will try to score another box. After settling on a load I'll sight in and just try to use just that load. The 223 is the rifle that keeps the freezer full.

    I only hunt, so don't go through heaps of ammo. But I used to find it satisfying to put meat in the freezer with ammo I'd loaded myself. Plus; for the amount of loading I'll do I don't need a heavy bench with a press attached taking up space and sitting there doing nothing.

    I find it quite cool to be able to take a small package out of a drawer, the scales (or dipper) and a hammer, and put a bullet together. I'm going to use H4895, which should suit all 3 calibres as a way of simplifying things even more. I have the powder, so it will keep me going a while.

    One of my aims is to do a video for my YT channel where I load and test ammo, sight in, shoot a deer/goat/pig with the handloaded ammo, and then video every meal I get from it. I'm not one of those types that goes down a never ending gear rabbit hole; I'm a big KISS believer... This may sound silly; but I think the Lee Loaders will be a cheap, fun option instead of a full blown reloading bench and gear?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Yes, you are being stupid...happy with that?....you need a dedicated bench for reloading, cupboards full of shit you may never use, tins and tins of powder, projectiles of every calibre, even for rifles you don't have....yet

  3. #3
    Sniper 7mm Rem Mag's Avatar
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    If thats what you want to do then go for it, look forward to the video
    When hunting think safety first

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    If it works for you it makes sense to keep it simple. A new Lee press is not expensive but then there are dies and that makes your current kits redundant.
    Like DavidGunn points out many of us end up with a whole heap of gear we plan to use but that may be excess.
    Sounds like hunting is your interest and handloading is a necessity.
    Please post YouTube links/channel when you get started

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    A reasoned thought process to find the optimal answer for your circumstances is never stupid.

    Also looking forward to the video series - will be good food for thought!

    I recently took my 223 out to knock over some deer as my "deer rifle" had no scope on it - knock them over it did. Also with loads I cooked up myself. Very satisfying!

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Okawa Hawkes Bay
    No arguments from me Bumblefoot,
    My .303 ammo is all sized in a Lee Loader. Currently I use a press to seat the projectiles but that could be done just as well (and possibly better) in a Lee Loader which I might start doing. Lee loaders produce very straight and accurate ammunition as the loads for my scoped .303 prove.
    My .303 loads are light so FL sizing will not be required. For your .223 and .308 the cases will get tight after 2 or 3 full power loads and will need FL sizing. I am sure that you will have a cobber that can size a batch when needed. In my pile of stuff I also have a .308 Lee Loader. Hmmm. Perhaps for the little Bergara.
    Regards Grandpamac.
    PS Also looking forward to the video.
    bumblefoot and Micky Duck like this.

  7. #7
    ebf is offline
    Mushroom juice ! Hic ! ebf's Avatar
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    Not stupid at all. Lee Loaders are awesome - you can reload ammo in all kinds of places where you'd never take a press
    Micky Duck likes this.
    Viva la Howa ! R.I.P. Toby | Black rifles matter... | #illegitimate_ute

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    If it brings you satisfaction and enjoyment, then it may be only stupid in someone else's perspective. Not your own. They are not you. So who cares?
    Last edited by Allizdog; 28-01-2022 at 03:35 PM.
    bumblefoot and CBH Australia like this.

  9. #9
    Member Marty Henry's Avatar
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    The "whack a mole" lee got me I to reloading, and I still have two.
    Hammering the primers in may startle your viewers a bit but the results will impress them.
    bumblefoot likes this.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Stratford, Taranaki
    @Marty Henry It does seem counter intuitive for the first few times doesn't it
    Marty Henry and Micky Duck like this.

  11. #11
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    not stupid at all...plurry great idea. my Nosler #2 manual posts picture of loads shot with ammunition made with one,to show how much better reloaded ammunition is than factory....Ive now got one in .270winchester just because I can...and it works neat.
    bumblefoot and grandpamac like this.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    @grandpamac I have over 100 cases (same make, Buffalo for the 223 (unsure the case maker), Sako for the 308, and PPU for the 303) for each calibre so it'll take a while to go through each one 3 times when hunting. I mean to say; that's only 300 animals isn't it for old Mr One Shot Kill here I wish!

    I deliberately picked factory ammo with good cases for the reloading aspect. And because they shoot well through the rifles. But if I decide to only reload for the 303 then I haven't spent a lot of dosh and had a bit of fun

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    The other reason I grabbed the other 2 is that Lee Loaders have been scarce, but a new shipment of Lee stuff has just arrived, so bought 2. I decided that if I changed my mind I could sell them here for the price I bought them for (not into price gouging profiteering)
    Micky Duck likes this.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Okawa Hawkes Bay
    Quote Originally Posted by bumblefoot View Post
    @grandpamac I have over 100 cases (same make, Buffalo for the 223 (unsure the case maker), Sako for the 308, and PPU for the 303) for each calibre so it'll take a while to go through each one 3 times when hunting. I mean to say; that's only 300 animals isn't it for old Mr One Shot Kill here I wish!

    I deliberately picked factory ammo with good cases for the reloading aspect. And because they shoot well through the rifles. But if I decide to only reload for the 303 then I haven't spent a lot of dosh and had a bit of fun
    You got me going on the Lee Loaders. One minute I am sitting in my chair sipping a cup of coffee. Next thing I know I am out in the shed surrounded by Lee Loaders and boxes of cases. The thought that started this was "If I can load my .303 rifles with a Lee Loader why can't I load my Martini in .30-40 Krag with one"? Turns out I have one and a half Lee Loaders in .303. The sizer on one set is slightly larger than the other and the smaller seems to size my various Krag cases enough to take the smaller projectile. I feel some experiments coming on. CBH Australia above suggested that for you the loading is a prelude to your hunting Which may be true in part. For me the boot is very much on the other foot. I just need to get a few other handloading projects finished and of the bench and I can start on some more load development on the Krag. Might even use it in a target shoot, or even take it hunting.
    Thanks Bumblefoot.
    bumblefoot and CBH Australia like this.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Great idea alright, when I started hunting me and me mates all used Lee Loaders, I had a 303 and 270, Rod used a 308 and Pat a 243. We would have shot a large amount of ammo loaded in them and they work perfectly. The only improvement we did was buy scales so we could shoot a hotter load. The level powder scoop was about 6- 8 grains under the book max back then from memory. I seem to remember the 270 with a level scoop was about 52 grains and max was 58 - 59 grains.
    bumblefoot and Micky Duck like this.



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