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Thread: Annealing brass - too hot?

  1. #16
    Member sneeze's Avatar
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    The Art and Science of Annealing

    Couple of relavant quotes from the above articel

    "Brass, on the other hand, cannot be made harder by heating it--ever. Brass is always made softer by heating."

    "Unlike steel, which will be made harder when it is cooled rapidly, brass is virtually unaffected when it is rapidly cooled. Annealing brass and suddenly quenching it in water will have no measurable effect on the brass"
    "You'll never find a rainbow if you're looking down" Charlie Chaplin

  2. #17
    JWB is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordite View Post
    No quick quenching. Quick quenching is only for hardening or tempering. Annealing is for softening the brass.

    The case neck will either way cool relatively quickly. Brass is a good heat conductor so the heat escapes into the body of the case.

    If you only heat the neck, the subsequent cooling of the neck will be too quick, and effectively it will become a neck hardening procedure, not an annealing procedure. So heat up both neck and shoulder.

  3. #18
    Member rossi.45's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sneeze View Post
    The Art and Science of Annealing

    Couple of relavant quotes from the above articel

    "Brass, on the other hand, cannot be made harder by heating it--ever. Brass is always made softer by heating."

    "Unlike steel, which will be made harder when it is cooled rapidly, brass is virtually unaffected when it is rapidly cooled. Annealing brass and suddenly quenching it in water will have no measurable effect on the brass"
    cheers for the link, some good reading . . . . R
    without a picture . .. it never happened !

  4. #19
    Member chainsaw's Avatar
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    Thanks for all the inputs. I see there are a lot of different ideas out there.
    From all the reading ive done the data on brass annealing and quick or slow cooling supports the post from @sneeze above. Rapid cooling is not effective. And that’s been basis of my approach & set up to date.
    I put out the original post and photo to seek advice and do so without any bias on my part.
    I think i can rule out the “over cooked” scenario I’m my split necks.
    dogmatix likes this.

  5. #20
    Codswallop Gibo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chainsaw View Post
    Thanks for all the inputs. I see there are a lot of different ideas out there.
    From all the reading ive done the data on brass annealing and quick or slow cooling supports the post from @sneeze above. Rapid cooling is not effective. And that’s been basis of my approach & set up to date.
    I put out the original post and photo to seek advice and do so without any bias on my part.
    I think i can rule out the “over cooked” scenario I’m my split necks.
    Do you have any un annealed cases left? May have been a coincidence?



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