From the other side of the fence, I have 3 improved cases. 243ai, 280ai and a 338 Norma improved. Fire forming is simply more shooting, I like shooting, the fire forming loads are generally as accurate as the formed, so gongs, targets , hunting is just the same as with the parent case. There is a gain to be had in velocity, how much is often debated but a gain is a gain. Example is the 243 ai with a 23 inch barrel running a 105 vld at 3140fps, is the pressure up on normal loads? maybe but lapua cases last 12 reloads or more and everything functions perfectly , over a thousand rounds in 12 years and counting. Cases don't grow, Iv never had to trim any cases. feeding has never been an issue ,I would not go back to the parent case.
That being said I dont think Id do a 223ai.