As per title really. Intended use would be 243 and a 284.
As per title really. Intended use would be 243 and a 284.
Yup have used their 760 in 6.5 CM and .308
Are Belmont powders basically Winchester powders rebadged?
IIRC they are St Marks ball powders,
Contact me for reloading components, brass, projectiles, powder, primers, etc
Confusing. Is this St Marks or Winchester 760 I wonder?
I have just started using the Belmont in my .284. Has shown some good accuracy so far.
I think they are St Marks.... but St marks make powders for Winchester. It may be like the Hodgon / ADI thing.
I would like to try the St Marks 763 stuff they have but theres not a lot of data to go on.
Anybody tried it
I have been using action rifle powder for my 308 and now I see they have 2 action rifle powders the one that is just below win748 is what I have been using, it is for 150gr or lower weight projectiles, now they have a 763 for heavier projectiles.@$40 a container it is the cheapest powder on the market that I have purchased.
so far using lower number action rifle powder, I got some load data off Belmont for 168gn projectiles-42gr was their max load 42gr was good grouped well with 168gr amax then went to 150gr Hornady interlocks seated to the cantilure there max load was 43.5gr I found 44gr best for me .5 above their recommended max load.
then loaded some 125gr SST seated to the cantilure their max load on their load data chart for 130gr projectiles is 46.2gr so loaded 46.5 @2852 FPS-47GR@2885 FPS-48gr@2975 FPS on my basic coronagraph in summery I think I will go back to AR2208 for projectiles above 150gr and use that powder for my 204 as well but still use action rifle for 150gr downwards
I've had a play with it in my 6.5 Creedmoor. As @Beavis said, my research showed that SMP763 is sold by Alliant as Power Pro MR2000. I found an SDS (MSDS) that specifically referenced this - it may even have been on the Alliant page for MR2000. But definitely check for yourself.
I've trialled it with 85 grain Sierra hollow points. With the lower loads listed in the Sierra data the cases didn't obturate properly. Once I hit the 47 grain mark it suddenly came 'on-song'. Cases sealed correctly and the grouping improved.
I've been experimenting with 48 grains and changing seating depth - kind of an odd thing to do when the projectile has a large jump to the lands. Turns out it can still make a difference.
I did some research and I think that 763 might be the same thing as Alliant Power Pro 2000MR. Obviously you would want to know for sure.
760 is really too slow for lighter .308 loads. Stick with 748 or 747