Gidday, if anyone is using this brew what powder weights are you using. Just in the process of developing a load and wanting to find out what others have had success with. cheers
Gidday, if anyone is using this brew what powder weights are you using. Just in the process of developing a load and wanting to find out what others have had success with. cheers
on its way!
What caliber?
I know lots run 72 with 162 so probably safe to say starting at 71 would be safe with 154
Got some data for this combo, well the soft point version anyway, out of my Lyman 49th edition. H1000 is 2217
Running 74gr of 2217. I tested loads up to this point checking for pressure signs in .3gr increments, 74gr is 1gr lower from where I started seeing signs. 74gr is also where I found the best node. Shoots 14mm groups doing 3090fps.
Each rifle/ammo combo is different so I am by no means recommending this as a starting point
Greetings @Stefanhope and all,
H1000 was originally manufactured by Nobels from the 1980's and from the late 1990's by ADI as AR2217. Over this period the industry changed from the old copper crusher method of pressure measurement (CUP) to the electronic system (PSI). The PSI measurments give a more accurate indication of peak pressure and also variations in pressure. The loads for some cartridges were toned down and the 7mm Rem mag was one of these. Earlier loads also did not list the actual projectle, another variable. For this reason the latest data, measured in PSI should be most trusted. The data shared by @Rated M for Magnum above is some of this. I have found that the Interlock and the SST give very similar velocities and presumably pressures so the Lyman data may be the best you can get.
Regards Grandpamac.