Zeroing done at 100 yards, see other post below. I never use metres, all measurements are inches, yards, moa, etc.
The 200 zero might be 205 or 195, but that makes naff all difference - maybe 0.1 or 0.2 moa at 625yrd. Not a cause for 1moa delta.
Atmospherics etc, covered by Kestrel. Again any small change or error is going to be sfa.
Yes ideally I’d do truing at longer range but 625yd is the max I have access to.
How good is the shooter? Good point. Good enough to consistently shoot 1/2 moa grps in light weight (6lb bare rifle) hunting rifles.
Shooting position- a bit average. After this shit wet winter the cattle have munted the paddocks good and proper. So finding a spot with out too many lumps and bumps not easy. Bipod (Spartan) had good lock up and stable forward load plus rear bag allowing a fairly solid platform.
Shots on gong poi was within 1in of POA so despite a less than ideal ground conditions I feel the results validate the accuracy.
My next step is to calibrate the scope dial up on paper at 100 yards.
As mentioned at start of thread have never seen a Leupy dial more than true moa. But maybe this is an exception?