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yep, 0-200 all a plastic tip is going to do is add more bloodshot meat.
Really appreciate all the feed back guys, looks like might have to give the Amax and Barnes a trial after what has been said, Finally went to the range last weekend and managed a .685" 5 shot group with the vld,s which I was stoked with but only goin average of 2640fps with 44gr of 2206h, is this still a reasonable speed for hunting with the vld,s or do they need a bit more for the intended max range,Also loaded 150 ballistic tips doing 2750fps using 44.5 gr 2206h and achieved a .750 group, again pretty happy with the accuracy, went to 45gr and the groups started to open up, I'm thinking accuracy over speed is probably the better option at this stage?. I can see how this reloading thing gets addictive real quick!
The ballistic tips should work well at those speeds
Accuracy over speed always for me
accurate enough and as fast as is safe for me, bit like 4wding,slow as possible fast as necessary.
I have no need of 1/8th moa accuracy out of a 308 while producing worse than 7.62x39 ballistics, less than a inch at 100,less than a inch at 200 preferably but don't need bench rest accuracy for most hunting...even out at 500y