An old mate down Palmy way bought a bush block a few months back and invited me and another Palmy mate to have a look around his new investment - he had too many animals in a 300 acre paddock so offered each of us to take home a spiker - I got mine with the 270 resting on the bottom of the gate - but my mate managed to miss his one with his old 303 - caged spiker still tastes fine but it was a bit skinny
After several later attempts to get the 303 accurate on his farm - I finally convinced him to ditch it
He asked me to check out the Tauranga shops for a good deal in 308 or 7mm08 - I found him a run out model Tikka super lightweight 7mm08 at $1299 - sorry Tahr they didn’t have a superlight weight in 308 or we would have done that - I love the look of that fluted barell and it is so light for old fellas
While I was in the shop - another old mate we used to hunt with was doing the shop extension fit out - he asked the owner for a special deal for us - I couldn’t get any more off the Tikka but got a good deal on a VX1 and some ammo
I have used Winchester Silvertips for years so asked for a couple of boxes - could only get Ballistic Silvertips - but figured they would be OK
So the gear ended up down in Palmy - but my mate wasn’t keen to run the Tikka in on the Silvertips so got a slightly cheaper blue box of Federal - he went out to the range at Turitea yesterday and quickly decided that I had bought him a real DOG - he couldn’t get it to group inside 5 inches at 100m - they were all over the place - after 16 shots out of the blue box - in desperation he got out a box of Silvertips - the first shot was close to the vertical line and 2.5 inches high - the second shot seemed to miss the A4 target altogether - the third shot made the first hole move a fraction - he went up to the target and found the three bullets had all gone through the same hole - he was a very happy Tikka owner and remembered his days in the army where he was classed as a marksman - I would have liked him to reduce the trigger from 3lb to 2lb but he was happy with it out of the box
I don’t recall my Tikka 243 ever putting three shots through the same hole at 100m - but it was pretty good
I don’t think my mate will ever buy a blue box again - but he is real keen to get up in the bush with the Silvertips - I just hope he will be happy with the killing power of the 7mm08 on reds