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  • 6 Post By Tentman
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Thread: Bit Of A Long Shot......but

  1. #1
    Bos is offline
    Join Date
    May 2017

    Bit Of A Long Shot......but

    So heres the thing;
    Number one grandson out in the shed resizing some .222 cases. "Grandad" he says, "Ive tried to get this stuck case out but I cant"
    Turns out that cases get stuck when you forget to put a bit of lube on them. Then when you take the die to bits things get strained, twisted, and generally just fucked!!
    So I need, preferably an RCBS .222 Rem resizing die, or the entire decapping rod.
    Just on the off chance that someones got a die or some parts in a box somewhere

    Thanks Fellas
    Merry Xmas

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    Have you got an ezi-out?

    I've had a couple of stuck shells and that's how I removed mine. You don't have to be an engineer... just go down to your local hardware store and grab a cheap set and with a bit of gentle wrist action you'll be sorted in about 5 minutes. A cheap set won't set you back much.... $20 - $30 maybe?

    Good on you for spending quality time with the grandson too. Bloody awesome. I hope I live long enough to see those days... but I was a "late starter" so probably won't be around by the time any potential grandson gets old enough to start wrecking my reloading gear.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    I've got a set and no 222 rifle at the moment - PM me your address and I'll get them away on Boxing day
    jakewire, madjon_, mikee and 3 others like this.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2019
    North Canterbury
    will a stuck case remover work with the issue or is it beyond saving?

    if so I am in Blenheim and can lend you one.

    See video below and let me know.


  5. #5
    Member sometimes1's Avatar
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    Sep 2018
    Easy as to get out heaps of videos on YouTube showing you how to make a case puller piece of piss

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Godzone, South Island
    Wind the decapping stem out as far as you can - right up inside the case, which aint far in a 222. Then find a decent size self tapper and drill out the primer pocket so you can screw the self tapper in, needs to be nice and tight, but as big as you can. Best with a hand drill or slow battery drill. Screw die back in to press, get a pair of ordinary pliers and use the wire cutters on them to get a good hold of the screw with the head inside the the free space of the wire cutting bit. And then screw the die up or down until you just have enough room for the pliers to hold the self tapper. And slowly lever the pliers down until hey presto, the case comes out. Strip your die, you may need to replace the decapping pin in the stem cos the drill may have damaged it, give it a good clean and have at it, but using a bit more lube this time.
    mikee likes this.

  7. #7
    Bos is offline
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    May 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Tentman View Post
    I've got a set and no 222 rifle at the moment - PM me your address and I'll get them away on Boxing day
    Thanks Tentman. PM sent
    And thanks to everyone else for their kind offers of a loan, and advice. The problem is that my grandson managed to get the case out of the die, but with the help of a vice and some vicegrips. The decapping rod is looking a bit bent, twisted, and unhealthy.
    The poor little bugger probably didn't need the growling he got, not at this time of the year anyway, but I'll get him onto a deer or pig tomorrow night and hopefully all will be forgiven.
    Thanks again everyone
    Frogfeatures and superdiver like this.



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