Hmmm - fitted the new-ish hose to the 10Kg machine and gave it a test run outside. Kept popping the hose off the drain pump fitting, no mechanical retainer on the plastic pump housing so the hose was just getting pushed straight off. That just won't do!
Back to Dr Google as the original was glued on with some form of Aliens movie brown sticky softish goop, no idea what that is. Google not very helpful either, except to suggest some form of mega-expensive and hard to acquire 3M Scotch 800 series aviation sealant that comes as a rather large tube from somewhere not in NZ. Not ideal... It looks like 3M have made it as some form of contact adhesive with waterproofing additives and stuff to make it flexible - that had my head scratcher function working overtime. Everything else I picked up from the glue box like the ADOS range were not recommended for permanent immersion - not ideal. After all a flood there proved to be quite dramatic, a lot more drama than actually required.
So, dipping back into the hoard pile - Epsealon Polyglut. Well this might do, a rubber glue designed for neoprene products and modified with waterproofing agents and butynol for flexibility. Slapped the thing back together with the polyglut gluing the drain hose to the bowl and the drain pump housing, 24 hour cure time and a couple of decent hose clamps later and it's back in business.
This whole experience is really not doing my hoarding tendencies any good at all!