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Thread: Bullet casting

  1. #1
    Member Grs300's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Bullet casting

    Just been told that my copper projectiles for my 9 mm have just gone up 20% so thought it's about time I started to cast my own bullets so I think I would try here first before I buy new.I have never cast before so let me know what else I might need .

    - six hole bullet mold lee I spose (356)
    - lee melting pot
    - lee sizing die or the rbcs size and lube ( whatever's best)

    Anything else I might need please let me know ,also where is the best place to buy casting gear from


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Projectiles in shops are indeed pricey, as an alternative have you looked at the newer/online ppl? Bill Wright ~ bill at rusa.co.nz might be worth an email.

    Reloaders is getting casting stuff back in after it apparently sold out very fast, so put your name down for a Lee 20lb pot, I odnt know anyone else who has them in stock right now. Lee molds seem pretty well thought of. I have just been chatting to a caster of some experience as I'd like to start casting for 303british myself, his suggestion stay with Lee kit. On that note I would love to know where I get kg's of wheel weights from, lead isnt cheap! LOL. Titan reloading in the US will ship Lee molds etc here if there are none in NZ, a mate is doing just that.
    "I do not wish to be a pawn or canon fodder on the whims of MY Government"

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2012
    North Otago
    There is also a bloke that makes lead projectiles in Timaru not bad for price that i can remember

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    The correct hardness lead, read on the inter web, depends on fps, gas checks to stop erosion, damage to the bottom of the projectile, you'll need the correct mould that you can fit gas checks to, rebate on base of projectile. Learn to flux the molten lead to remove impurities, beeswax will flux. Do it outside or well ventilated space because you don't want to suck the fumes, you can light the fumes from the fluxing. Heat your mould to get a good finish to the projectile, carbon the inside of your mould for good release of the moulded projectile from the mould, I use a cast iron pot on an LPG burner to break big quantities of lead into ingots for my Lee pot. Modify the plunger pin by replacing with a bigger dia rod with the ends machined to match the original, better sealing of the outlet with a bit more weight. Pour the lead from the pot into the mould with an air gap, if you put the mould up to the nipple the air in the mould can't escape and can pressurize the mould putting whiskers on the projectile. Hope that load of shit helps a little
    Boom, cough,cough,cough

  5. #5
    Member Marty Henry's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    All excellent advice but see if you can find an old lyman reloading manual for a reference. Half the manual was devoted to how to cast, lead alloys, and reduced power loads for each cartridge.



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