Bullet prices driving me to cast..
Well I already shoot cast that I buy from a couple of NZ suppliers, one who seems to be absent from the market the last year or so. I started with Pistol in 45ACP and 38/357mag, and now also use cast in 9mm especially for drills and practice. Copper washed FMJ such as Frontier product from Rusa and others is pretty competitive and the Blackhawk stuff from Delta Mike is well priced and more uniform product than my other suppliers.
So one thing leads to another and now I shoot cast in several rifle calibres. Until recently that was either experimental or for shorter range shooting in rifle calibres such as 30-30, 44mag, 45 Colt etc and a couple of forays into 303B and 308.
With more than a little indication of coming shortages I started building up a few supplies of factory. Looking at TM this morning I came across the prices being asked by this guy, they blew my socks off - https://www.trademe.co.nz/a.aspx?id=...C-8862D34A0245. Sorry, I don't know how to make that URL shorter.
In a regional store last week I picked up a box of 100 Speer Hot-Cor 6.5mm 140gn for $59.95. There were also Match and GameKings on the shelf for this and other calibres, not many to be fair and probably won't be there for long. Yes there were some a tad over 100 bucks, most were in the $60-90 range.
For several years I've been steadily collecting casting equipment and lead. If factory prices for bullets is doubling, or more, I think I will be digging out the moulds and developing my boolit making skills. Possibly my eyesight will thank me for leaving flash factory projectiles to the long range chaps.