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Thread: Bullet pulling related question

  1. #16
    Member Cordite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Allgood View Post
    Am I being too simple when I suggest that you chamber the cases and fire them.......The primer going off will dislodge/burn the powder.......then deprime and resize.
    I thought initially, too much work. Then again, he WILL want to anneal the case necks somewhere between pulling and seating bullets. If you are wary about carefully depriming live primers then you are definitely not going to like neck annealing primed cases. You can't be too aneal about such things.
    An itch ... is ... a desire to scratch

  2. #17
    LBD is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by grandpamac View Post
    Greetings All,
    Chamber the empty cases and pull the trigger. Job done. No fingers or eyes will be harmed. If you are doing this at home put the muzzle in a cardboard box to keep the din down but preferably do it at the range.
    Regards Grandpamac.
    I always do this if I need to pull a bullet... it is safe, only makes a small pop noise.

    I do not bother with FL or neck resizing, the effect of fitting and removing a bullet on the brass hardness without firing a bullet is minimal.

  3. #18
    Member Cordite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LBD View Post
    I always do this if I need to pull a bullet... it is safe, only makes a small pop noise.

    I do not bother with FL or neck resizing, the effect of fitting and removing a bullet on the brass hardness without firing a bullet is minimal.
    Ah, but not if you are aneal.
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  4. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Woody View Post
    Tap the pulled brass smartly on its side on the bench. This usually dislodges any stuck kernels.
    ill try that. havnt tried the side tap. ive been tapping it unsmartly so ill try smart. cheers.
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  5. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by grandpamac View Post
    Greetings All,
    Assuming that the last few pesky kernels of powder actually need to be removed may I suggest a simple and safe method. Chamber the empty cases and pull the trigger. Job done. No fingers or eyes will be harmed. If you are doing this at home put the muzzle in a cardboard box to keep the din down but preferably do it at the range. The dead cap can be removed with a punch and base set, neck sizing or full length sizing. Remember to clean the barrel as it will be dirty.
    Regards Grandpamac.
    Thanks for the reply. I live in town, how loud is it? I annealed before sizing last time. is it best to full length resize again? the neck tension is my main concern. im not worried about the last few kernel's any more. the pulled bullets have essentially expanding the neck. It weather they bass has consistently sprung back. Reloading is rewarding and frustrating.
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  6. #21
    Member zimmer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Woody View Post
    Tap the pulled brass smartly on its side on the bench. This usually dislodges any stuck kernels.
    This above.
    Unless you are using ball powder the amount of powder in the flash hole will be miniscule and of no consequence. How much powder are you seeing?
    If in the flash hole I wouldn't expect more than a kernel.
    If it's powder stuck for some reason in the base of the case use as suggested, a small brush. Has lube somehow got down there?

    I would then resize the cases, with depriming pin removed, to re-establish consistant correct neck tension.

    I presume you wore safety glasses when you gazed down inside the case and saw the powder?
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  7. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tim Dicko View Post
    Thanks for the reply. I live in town, how loud is it? I annealed before sizing last time. is it best to full length resize again? the neck tension is my main concern. im not worried about the last few kernel's any more. the pulled bullets have essentially expanding the neck. It weather they bass has consistently sprung back. Reloading is rewarding and frustrating.
    Greetings Tim Dicko,
    The crack from the primer is loud enough to put ear muffs on. It sounds much quieter outside. I don't bother with the cardboard box as we are rural. As far as resizing goes the re seated projectile does seem to go in easier but whether this indicates reduce bullet pull I don't know. I don't usually bother re sizing. To your last comment yes handloading is both rewarding and frustrating and may it always be so. From this we learn. Otherwise we may become bored with it. No sign of that happening in my case, quite the reverse in fact.
    Regards Grandpamac.
    Tim Dicko likes this.

  8. #23
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    Occaisionally I have discharged primers in my shed by placing muzzle onto a dampened rolled up sack or old cushion. Veryquiet
    Summer grass
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    the aftermath.

    Matsuo Basho.

  9. #24
    I just use a straightened out safety pin to get powder out
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  10. #25
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    Thanks everyone for the reply's. Right i put an expander from my standard 260 die through the cases i pulled and removed powder from. The expander went through so easily i decided its best to go fire the primers all of. then start again. The neck tension would have been fine. But i am after the same neck tension my die provides as it is my varmint rifle; and i am after high accuracy. ive learnt a heap but enjoyed it. Ive measure the lands on the new projectiles used the remaining brass that wasnt loaded to continue my load. Cheers for the suggestions.

  11. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by grandpamac View Post
    Greetings Tim Dicko,
    The crack from the primer is loud enough to put ear muffs on. It sounds much quieter outside. I don't bother with the cardboard box as we are rural. As far as resizing goes the re seated projectile does seem to go in easier but whether this indicates reduce bullet pull I don't know. I don't usually bother re sizing. To your last comment yes handloading is both rewarding and frustrating and may it always be so. From this we learn. Otherwise we may become bored with it. No sign of that happening in my case, quite the reverse in fact.
    Regards Grandpamac.
    I think being rural would be awesome, the more politically correct people get the further out of town you need to be to fire the big rifles. Learning always seems to be from failures but reloading always keeps you coming back for more accuracy. lower extreme spread ect.

  12. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tim Dicko View Post
    I think being rural would be awesome, the more politically correct people get the further out of town you need to be to fire the big rifles. Learning always seems to be from failures but reloading always keeps you coming back for more accuracy. lower extreme spread ect.
    Name:  20210306_162408.jpg
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    Greetings Tim Dicko,
    This is my bench about 20 metres from the house. I can shoot out to 200 metres but do keep use to a minimum due to close neighbors. We have 8 ha and our back boundary is toward the top of the hill. I have thought of making a bench mounted suppressor but have not got to it yet.
    Regards Grandpamac.
    Micky Duck and Tim Dicko like this.

  13. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by grandpamac View Post
    Attachment 162005
    Greetings Tim Dicko,
    This is my bench about 20 metres from the house. I can shoot out to 200 metres but do keep use to a minimum due to close neighbors. We have 8 ha and our back boundary is toward the top of the hill. I have thought of making a bench mounted suppressor but have not got to it yet.
    Regards Grandpamac.
    Thats the dream right there very cool.

  14. #29
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tim Dicko View Post
    Thanks for the reply. I live in town, how loud is it? I annealed before sizing last time. is it best to full length resize again? the neck tension is my main concern. im not worried about the last few kernel's any more. the pulled bullets have essentially expanding the neck. It weather they bass has consistently sprung back. Reloading is rewarding and frustrating.
    DO NOT decide poking end of barrel/muzzle into your flash new polarfleece coat to dampen noise more is a good idea......dont need to explain the why LOL...looks like ciggy burns.
    Tim Dicko and Cordite like this.

  15. #30
    Member Cordite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Micky Duck View Post
    DO NOT decide poking end of barrel/muzzle into your flash new polarfleece coat to dampen noise more is a good idea......dont need to explain the why LOL...looks like ciggy burns.
    @Tim Dicko

    Also, don't fire primers indoors. Usually the active ingredient is lead styphnate and inhaling lead is a surefire way to lower your IQ.

    Speaking of which, read this and decide if you should anneal before resizing those necks: Neck Tension, Bullet Seating, and the TIME FACTOR « Daily Bulletin
    zimmer and Tim Dicko like this.
    An itch ... is ... a desire to scratch



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