3 thou change in bullet seating depth can make a big difference in group size in an "accurate" rifle, I'm talking 1/4" or less agging rifle here.
If a rifle is only grouping around 1/2 - 3/4" then you probably won't notice the difference a 3 thou seating depth change will make.
With my hunting rifles I use 10thou changes to find the general seating depth the rifle likes then once I find that the seating depth changes are less to fine tune the load.
The biggest tuning help is a solid front rest and rear bag, I'm trying to shoot the best groups the rifle is capable of, not find out if I can shoot
Another thing you should use is something to tell you what the wind is doing, if you aren't using something to indicate what the wind is doing it's like aiming the rifle closing your eyes and pulling the trigger. a simple bit of ribbon on a stake is better than nothing.