I am having a bit of trouble with my Hornady 6.5prc brass, and want to eliminate being over length as an issue, can someone help with taking off .015? Based in Hamilton so waikato region ideally. Payment in favorite brew
I am having a bit of trouble with my Hornady 6.5prc brass, and want to eliminate being over length as an issue, can someone help with taking off .015? Based in Hamilton so waikato region ideally. Payment in favorite brew
Nope, I can't help...
But I can loan you my manual Lyman Accutrimmer, I think I have the 6.5mm pilot and I assume you have the correct sized shellholder?
I'll have a check for the pilot and get back to you.
Do you have calipers for measuring the length?
This is all I use. Including postage I think that's like $50 total. I had one of those "worlds greatest" trimmers but the bit wore out. Done way more cases on the lee kit and it's one of the items they have that works really well
Plus 1 for the Lee case trimmers. I've got a Forster set up which is handy for those odd cases I don't have a trimmer for but the Lee trimmer was my go to when I was doing a heap of reloading.
What T.FOYE said
wow..once upon a time manuals suggesting using a file to take a bit off the case and measure with calipers.... Ive used even cruder methods than that before with ok results....we make things more complicated than need be at times. personally I use the lee case trimmers.too easy.
you can get away with a shorter 6.5 pilot if you measure lots.....I use a 7.62x39mm trimmer to do .308w this way.
75/15/10 black powder matters
Doesnt the lee system require a die also? Cigar has me sorted anyhow![]()
nope.... its a rod and a cutter..... you CAN get away with just that bits...normally there is a small base holder that slips neatly into cordless drill...too easy. deprime/size case..slip into base holder,trim to length,debur inside and out at same time and if case is grubby,hold case against polypad type thing and polish it up....too easy.
75/15/10 black powder matters
You can spin it up in a cordless drill but I'm concerned that if I heat the neck at all by going too fast it will create irregularities. Going slow makes less of a lip to deburr later I've found. Don't know if that means anything tho
my cordless drill is slow...tried the plug into wall version...yeah nah waaay too fast. and the slight lip deburr gets taken off in next step,pull out rod n cutter and quick whirl with innner then outer deburr champher tool...too easy. I shall have to really leave a case in for excessively long time spinning and see if can create any heat,but somehow I doubt it will....
75/15/10 black powder matters
Trimming is so important
Why wouldn’t you own a trimmer
Lee ones will only cost $20 ish with one length gauge
I trim every shot
Just back to max trim length