I use the Lee Case Length Gauge system where you buy a calibre specific shell holder and gauge rod. Rod screws into a cutter head. With the piece that goes into the drill chuck to screw the shell holder on I have a fast and accurate (enough for me) system where a 100 at a time is quick and easy. I have a Lyman Universal and a Forster system on the shelf as well as the Lee quick trim. None of them compete for speed or ease of multiple case prep actions. With decapped and sized brass I can:
- Length gauge
- chamfer the mouth inside
- deburr the case mouth outside
- pass a wire or brush in and out of the neck to clean
- dress the case outside with steel wool
- anneal the neck
All in one continous process per shell. Then when the case is dismounted from the shell holder, the primer pocket gets a quick ream to clean with the appropriate Lyman hand held thingamygig.
Hard to beat