almost identical to the crow WFT. but its caliber specific.
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You can just buy the collets and change calibers with 1 body just means you have to adjust the cutter depth
Dunno what rifles your buying for $90 each :D granted it's not for everyone but it is very quick and very very consistent
X2 for the ugly srt trimmer. Very quick and easy in a drill.
You don't have to buy separate cutters/case holders for each calibre with the Giraud, there is quite a bit of cross over. Example to trim an chamfer my 22 Creed I use my 223 cutter head and 6.5 Creed case, to trim 22.250 use same as very simular parent case 250 Savage I think?
Tried trimming 303 on the 308 case and cutter but isn't quite right, need .311 or .312 cutter but Doug doesn't seem to responsive at the moment. I'm also cringing at what the freight will be, but the Giraud just smokes through brass trimming when you want to do bulk.
I'm not, I don't even know what a Wilson Trimmer is? Just saying you don't have to buy a separate setup for each cartridge where there is crossover. Costs of Girauds have gone up, I bought mine maybe about 5 years ago and think it was probably less in NZ dollars back then landed than is in US now, glad I got it. Will last my lifetime and still be working.
Because once I buy all the bits for the Wilson, it's really not that much of a step up to spend more for the Giraud and just get it done and over with. Right now for instance I've got thousands of 300 Blackout cases to do. I can flog off my Frankford Arsenal trimmer and WFT trimmers on ebay to balance out the cost.