Nothing is tough about having a 70 lb bow and looking like an uncoordinated praying mantis while trying to draw it back.
Don't worry about it the bullet is designed as a bore rider the bullet nose is to long and unsupported so if it didn't ride the bore it would slump when fired, if it chambers without forcing it not a problem
it will extract just fine, the 30/30 is one of the best cast bullet calibres it can shoot cast bullets to the same velocity as jacketed bullets you should never have to buy expensive jacketed bullets again,
you can tailor the lead mix to what you require for hunting don't make them to hard 50/50 wheel weights and pure lead is good for up to 1900fps,
Welcome to the real bullet club
What type of crimping die do you have? Are you just using the crimping function in the seating die or do you have a separate crimping die. I use a Lee Factory crimp die which will crimp into cast even if you haven't lined up with the cannelure so I can seat further in and still crimp.
Nothing is tough about having a 70 lb bow and looking like an uncoordinated praying mantis while trying to draw it back.