I was given these cartridges plus a couple of more modern .303 rounds the other day by a friend of mine when I told him what I was working on at the moment. He thought they were pretty old, but didn't seem to know anything else.
A little research tells me the hollow point is most likely MkIV ammo, No idea how common these are, from what I can find they haven't been manufactured since 1897-8. Case head markings are "C" and "IV"
The other looks to be MkVII cupro-nickel jacket.
Im not that familiar with the history of the Enfield's or issued ammo, but it is quite interesting to learn about.
Attachment 186061
This is the rifle, assembled for some photos. I still have a bit of work getting the stock fit-up just right. I have done a bit of repair work to the stock and have done a light refinish to freshen it up a little.
Attachment 186062