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Thread: chargemaster spout

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    chargemaster spout

    tried this chargemaster trick with a bit of plastic tube the other day. and I think it did help I thought that charges were thrown marginally quicker and less overthrows I was already using a piece of straw but not cut like shown here.

  2. #2
    Member sneeze's Avatar
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    I used a piece of aloy tube when I did mine, couldnt find a straw that would fit.I wouldn't get 1 in a hunderd over charged. Not a cheap piece of equipment to have to fix with a drinking straw though.
    "You'll never find a rainbow if you're looking down" Charlie Chaplin

  3. #3
    Official Cheese Shaman Spanners's Avatar
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    I did the hotrod settings on mine after seeing 7mm Magics run with them - is ALOT faster - wouldnt say double, but VERY noticable

  4. #4
    DAF is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spanners View Post
    I did the hotrod settings on mine after seeing 7mm Magics run with them - is ALOT faster - wouldnt say double, but VERY noticable
    do you have a link to the article on this or the settings?
    I have been meaning to do this with mine for ages
    "Such is life..." - Ned Kelly

  5. #5
    Official Cheese Shaman Spanners's Avatar
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    Not with me - nets too shit here to look.
    Search for improved or faster chargemaster settings

  6. #6
    Member redbang's Avatar
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    I've kept meaning to try that trick, must do it now after reading this.

    They talk about ringing them and get talked through it, but thats too awkward from here ! Have'nt found a written down procedure yet though. . .

  7. #7
    Official Cheese Shaman Spanners's Avatar
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    i'll see if I can find the link - its pretty straight forward - just write down what you have in the setting just incase you cock it up.

  8. #8
    Official Cheese Shaman Spanners's Avatar
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    1. Turn the unit on.
    2. When 0.0gn is on the display, press BOTH the ENTER and the EDIT MEM keys on the dispenser at the same time. Hold for a second and then release.
    If done properly ADJUST PARAMETER should scroll across the display followed by HSP 00015.68 (This number represents the number of grains away from your entered charge when the tube will shift from fast speed to medium speed. That is at 15.68 gn from your target charge the dispenser will shift from fast to medium speed.)
    To speed up the unit, this number needs to be decreased and to slow down the unit, this number needs to be increased. (On a slow unit, I would change this number to11.00 gn this is done by pressing the following keys: 1 1 0 0 ENTER (pressing the enter key sets that value and moves to next setting in program in this case, to medium speed to slow speed setting)
    3. HSP 00003.42 should scroll across the display now. This number represents where the unit will shift from medium to slow speed. Using the same process as before in # 2. For a slow unit I would change this number to 2.50 gn this is done by pressing the following keys: 2 5 0 ENTER (pressing the enter key sets that value and moves to next setting in program in this case, to slow speed to trickle speed setting)
    4. HSP 00001.08 should now scroll across the screen. This number represents where the unit will shift from slow speed to trickle. Using the same process as before in # 2. For a slow unit I would change this number to .90 gn this is done by pressing the following keys: 9 0 ENTER
    5. This is all the adjustment that needs to be done to the unit. You need to press the ENTER key to cycle through the rest of the program. (approx. 22 times) The unit will start its normal initial countdown process when this is done.
    You need to test out the dispenser now. Enter your target charge and dispense. I usually disregard the first charge. Throw a few charges at these settings to see if they will work for you. If they don’t, return to step # 2 and repeat the process.

    Different powders will require tweaking of the last setting (HSP)
    You can go further with this and get it to full speed and stop pretty much on the money.. but change powder and it may overshoot.
    Mine will go over 1 in 20 I'd say due to my settings, dump back in hopper or take a pinch out

    Chargemaster 101 - ALWAYS shut the drain after empting it - NOTHIGN in this world is funnier than the look on your mates face when you are pissing yourself laughing after hes just dumped a new container of powder into the hopper, and then all over your messy bench via the drain
    DAF likes this.

  9. #9
    Member redbang's Avatar
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    Nice one Spanners, thanks for that, just what the doctor ordered

  10. #10
    Member redbang's Avatar
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    Followed the instructions carefully, and it worked bloody well ! sped it up nicely. It still gives the odd overthrow but nothing to complain about and keeps the the flow of loading going much better, so thanks again for that.
    Will buy you a beer sat night

    Cheers, Red.

  11. #11
    Official Cheese Shaman Spanners's Avatar
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    I'm in Singapore - a beer is $18

    Play with the last setting a bit to tune out the overthrows

  12. #12
    Fisher and Hunter leathel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spanners View Post
    Chargemaster 101 - ALWAYS shut the drain after empting it - NOTHIGN in this world is funnier than the look on your mates face when you are pissing yourself laughing after hes just dumped a new container of powder into the hopper, and then all over your messy bench via the drain
    I leave a parts tray under it .... Fits nicely, Just in case I forget. Only time I forgot to close it I had bumped the parts tray & it only caught about 3 grains

    Must have a play with the settings

    Fishing ... Hunting its all good

  13. #13
    Im in TITAN308's Avatar
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    I am going to try this on mine shortly !! Not that I really need it to speed up as I am usually still pissing around trying to seat the pill while its beeping at me ..
    I never think of the future
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  14. #14
    P38 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spanners View Post
    I'm in Singapore - a beer is $18

    Play with the last setting a bit to tune out the overthrows
    Yeah but $5 for Love you longtime Big Boy! ........................ No wait thats Walking Street

  15. #15
    Member redbang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spanners View Post
    I'm in Singapore - a beer is $18

    Play with the last setting a bit to tune out the overthrows
    I'm heading over there for a 7 day break in June, so best you suss out the best places to buy and find stuff



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