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  • 1 Post By Kudu

Thread: Common Old Projectiles

  1. #1
    Member Kudu's Avatar
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    Common Old Projectiles

    When i brought my current rifle (Remington mountain Rifle in 7mm-08) it came with a box of barnes 120 TTXS projectiles. Anyway i loaded these up and used them and they were fine. However when it came to get more I just could not justify the price since "normal old fashioned" projectiles were a hell of a lot less for twice as many in the box. So i went out and brought some 130gn Speer's. Well i am rapt with tier performance. the picture below was taken from a the off side shoulder of a big red stag shot at about 500 yards. the muzzle velocity was 2785. I have weighed the recovered projectile and it weighs 123 grains. take off one or two for meat/sinew and that is still awesome performance in my book. Go Speer!

    veitnamcam likes this.

  2. #2
    P38 is offline
    Member P38's Avatar
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    Speer have been making really good projectiles since the 50's

    I use them alot.



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