Greetings All,
As a card carrying and Government certified old fudd my needs for hunting ammunition are modest. A quick check of stocks suggests that the need for loading any more in the near future can probably be put of for some time. Ammunition stocks for my limited target shooting is lower but I have kept up stocks of components for these which should suffice.
These shortages will end, perhaps sooner than some of the doomsayers are suggesting. Once this occurs my suggestion to you all is to do some planning on what your needs are for 12 months or so and make sure that component stock do not fall below this point. Some rationalisation may be needed. Try to select two or at the most 3 powders that suit most of your rifles. For me, at the moment, these are AR2206H and AR2209. They might not be the absolute best but very good is still better than nothing at all. Try and have resonable stocks of primers. An understudy load for some of your rifles using earlier type projectiles is worth considering. These are often still available when the whizzo modern projectiles have run out. If these shoot close to your preferred hunting load they can be used when the flashy pills are not needed.
Finally these cyclic shortages are likely to continue, largely due to the fragile state of democracy in the US. I expect the next one early in 2003. Be ready.
Regards Grandpamac.