Good thread..I had the same thing on a couple of cases with borrowed redding dies..I wondered what was up
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Good thread..I had the same thing on a couple of cases with borrowed redding dies..I wondered what was up
Must have missed that episode Micky.
Heres how I lube up ..... for cases @Gibbo ...before you get excited:P
I get the imperial wax out and rub one finger gently across the cream, in the other hand I firmly grasp my case around the base. With the tip of my lubed up finger I touch the case just below the neck, I place my thumb against the other side and then carefully rotate the base..... dont go too fast at this stage as excitement can cause the case to become too warm.
That case is now done and gets put aside for graphiting in / outside of mouth.
I grab a second case and without relubing my finger go around it same as the first. Third case gets finger in the wax again.
If I find its too hard to resize cases ( not usually ) just slip a wee bit more on. This shows you how little the amount of lube needs to be. Its my belief that doing it this way you arent introducing too much build up into the die, as the excess lube from the first case gets utilised on the second case and so on.
For case mouth inside / outside I use a small jar 1/3 filled with lead shot and a couple of spoon fulls of powdered graphite. Before you start give the jar a shake and then just nudge the case mouth down to the shoulder ( but not to where the lube is ) give it a rotate and its now all set for sizing so in it goes to the press.
You now have to get all that shit off your cases, some people tumble again at this point. I just wipe it off with a cotton rag, as I prefer that the carbon / graphite combo remains on the internal neck wall.
Similar to my technique there john
That's how @Philipo showed me but he kept licking his lips and rubbing his nipples in between each case...
Thats weird my press doesnt have nipples, should I be liking the shaft?
Might give some graphite a go. Is the stuff from burnings suitable?
The Bunnings one looks OK. Much the same as I got from an engineering shop. Great stuff, just like moly, you will see it appearing on your light switches, your wife's nice towels.
Bye the bye I only use graphite on new brass (inside necks b4 seating) or brass that been SS pin or ultrasonic cleaned. Both those processes strip the carbon left behind from previous firings.
I don't need to lubricate inside necks for sizing as I only use bushing dies.
The only thing I've learnt from watching videos on the net Is that spitting on things fixes everything :drool:
very very similar way to how I do it John.....the vaso goes a long way 15-20 cases worth sits in the grooves of your fingers.
Himmm I graphite first so that the balls don't stick to the lube and end up scratching the shit out of your die:O_O:
the graphite doesnt get near to the vaso........ vaso body of case shoulder gets diddly squat...neck gets graphite....
yep just take the deprimer out and resize them and don,t put f all lube on or if you are worried wind the resize die back as you only need to resize the neck then chamber each case to make sure it will chamber and as others say the dents will fire form out all good