I'm currently using Hornady G3 1500 pocket scale but it is starting fluctuate and not hold zero even with new batteries. I am wanting to upgrade without breaking the bank
Does anyone have a good value scale that they would recommend Under $300
I'm currently using Hornady G3 1500 pocket scale but it is starting fluctuate and not hold zero even with new batteries. I am wanting to upgrade without breaking the bank
Does anyone have a good value scale that they would recommend Under $300
Look at hornady g3. They should be about 100 $ i know of 2 in use by students on tight budgets.
There is still something to be said for the old balance beam scales
Ive got a rcbs I bought as my 1st scale in 80's
Never needed a battery and as accurate as when I got it, gravity still works the same
Love the "old chargemaster " though
2 presses set up, size,prime , place in 2nd press, by then chargemaster is done, pour charge, scale pan back on , charge master start next xlcharge, seat on 2nd press, , start again
On 223 u can get about 70 in an hour
On 338 u wait a long time between charges
Game changer on speed is a combination powder pand and funnel
Lyman rcbs , I think they all make em now
With a set of lee scoops, a powder trickler and a magnetically damped beam balance you can load as fast as an expensive digital, I've used an ohaus 10 10 since I started and never thought of changing to lectric
Pretty happy with my little Frankford Arsenal digital scale . Constantly.check it against my ohaus beam scale and it's on the money. Might add one or two kernels of 2213 now and then to keep the beam scales perfect.
Hunt safe, look after the bush & plug more pests.The greatest invention in the history of man is beer.
A bit more bang is better.
I use hornady digis gs1500 or something like that. Havnt had problems with them just the auto turn off is fukn annoying...
funny aye...Ive got one of them ohau ones, it gets used for heavy stuff like weighing projectiles, but my old green LEE balance beam has pride of place on the bench.agree 100% about the speed thing.... for less than 30 rounds I dont even bother setting up the thrower,just use plastic scoop of one size under and trickle up.
75/15/10 black powder matters