I have used pretty much every cheap or middle of the road dispenser and scale system there is.
Have personally owned Lyman, Pact, Rcbs and now frankford. So far for me, the Frankford has been the best in accuracy, consistency and ease of use.
They all have their quirks and ways around them. The goal is to be loading accurate ammo with usable ES and SD.
You can do that with all of the above. A powder charge that may vary .1-.2 will hardly show up on paper unless shooting beyond 1000 yrds if you're in the node.
If you ever do ladder tests you can have up to .3 or .4 grain nodes where the load will shoot under 10fps ES. 1 kernel of powder accuracy doesn't mean shit in real world results imo.
You can have the most accurate scales available but if your prep and shooting ability is not that sharp, the scales are the least of your worry.
If you are meticulous and mainly hunting you will be fine with any of the cheaper options out there.
I have tried to find a video where they compared a lot of the most popular sets available against the more expensive gear. 1 machine being worth around 5000 USD.
They had reputable shooters shooting the loads inside 1000 yrds and there really wasn't anything in it. The cheaper gear produced ammo that was just as if not more accurate in some cases.
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