Nice setup @Tikka7mm08.
Nice setup @Tikka7mm08.
I did years ago but don't even know where the tool for it is now . . . waste of time
Yes, yes you do. Primer pocket deburrer/uniformer.
looks like a flash hole de burer and uniformer
I never used to, but when I changed to ss pin tumbling to clean the brass I deprime before tumbling so that the primer pocket and flash hole get cleaned. Cant say that I have noticed any difference in performance but it does make me smile every time pull the brass out even after years of doing it this way and its no extra work.
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White Tail carbide cutter. Don't think it makes any difference but I've always done it and I'm not going change now after 46 years of reloading.
Yep, every time with Lyman hand tool.
I expect it makes bugger all difference, but ensures a flat surface and takes about 3seconds per case.
I just use a Primer pocket uniform tool and that's it
I pop all the expended primers out with the Frankford Arsenal hand tool so that way when they go in the wet tumbler with pins, the primer pockets get cleaned.
I see clean brass as a way of resetting everything to zero, hence there is no junk in the primer pocket that could cause a misfire or seating issues.
it is called covering your butt so things don,t go wrong just like wiping your butt it's a good habit no skid marks
the other plus is you tend to pick up other things that go wrong with your brass in the process like a blocked flash hole for instance so I see it as a good habit to have
Every time. Lyman hand tool for me. I want to know that my primers are seated to the same depth each time. That’s all I do to clean my brass.
I don’t even clean the inside of the necks as I have a theory that powder residue helps with consistent release of projectiles. It certainly doesn’t have a negative impact on accuracy.
Shiny cases don’t add anything to my shooting.
I always clean , remember your reloading the case , so why not the little prime, give that a good clean as well, I won a bet a few years ago that I could reload the primers as well .Tight wad.