Has anyone used lighter loads in .300 Win Mag , like similar to a .3006 ?
Are there any special problems ?
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Has anyone used lighter loads in .300 Win Mag , like similar to a .3006 ?
Are there any special problems ?
now there is a good use for a big scoop of trailboss if ever there was....I shall have a dig but 99% sure there is hard data for this purpose..possibly using 2206???
hodgdon loading data has a HEAP of loads to suit....150grn projectile sitting around 3000fps sounds like a 30/06 type load to me.....
Ive loadad down to subsonic but with shotgun powder. If you look at a reloading manual for say 180grainers, starting 300wm loads with say 2208 are generaly only a little hotter than max 30-06 so go from there. Trailbos loads are ususaly significantly less.
OK sounds like the downloaded magnum is not really a thing. Maybe go with lighter bullets like 150 gr if you dont want recoil and just enjoy the extra velocity ?
sorry Im not understanding what your asking.......you said like a .30/06 so we told you were to get 30/06 type loads....or do you want to go down to 30/30 type levels????
There is load data for H1000 and 150 gr at 3000 fps. I used H1000 (2217) for downloading a 270, worked extremely well with an acceptable case fill and low pressure numbers
30-06 will run a 150gr around the 3000fps mark at close to max. Easy enough to slow the win mag down to that, even slower wont be too hard. With a 150gn pill somewhere around 75gr of 2217 or 78gr of 2225 will give a pretty full case and around 2800fps.
As Micky said there is plenty of data on the Hodgdons site using H4895 (AR2206H). See their sheet on youth hunting loads. They give loads for lighter projectiles but you can use their technique with a minimum of 60% of their listed max load for your chosen projectile and work up from there. I have used this for reduced loads in my .308, .303 and .30-40 rifles with good results. Mostly the best results sit around 80% of the Hodgdon Max load. It is unwise and possibly dangerous to reduce loads below start loads with any other powder, especially in magnum cases.
Regards Grandpamac.
I think @grandpamac is referring to this?. Haven't tried it myself but been meaning to.https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/202...0575d115a4.jpg
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Yes that's it. It is important to read the paragraphs at the top. You can only use the 60% rule where H4895 is listed and you can only use it for H4895 (AR2206H) they are the same powder. 48 grains of H4895 would be a good place to start with either the 150 or 165 grain projectile in the .300 Win Mag.
HaHa ! Not looking for 30/30 !
What I meant was that simply using a 150gr instead of 180gr even at the same powder & foot poundage would reduce recoil quite a lot (150/180) and the velocity would come in handy for flat shooting and using coppper bullets.
Thanks to Hunter AI7 and grandpa mac for unearthing the Hodgdon info.
ass I said in the third post..the hodgdon reloading sire has a heap of data with loads of 150grn right down to 30/06 levels using a heap of different powders..if you wanting to go copper...I would be inclined to look even as light as 130s.....but you are sort of shooting yourself in foot...if going copper you want them driven fast....