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Thread: drop tube help

  1. #1
    Member Dino's Avatar
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    drop tube help

    Hi Guys

    Need some ideas for a drop tube for loading powder, struggling with 51.5 grains of 2208 into 308.

    Tried a drinking straw but not a super good fit, lost a few grains on a couple and had to reweigh...pia

    I have had a look at a few nz sites and couldn't find them listed for sale so what do you use or do I get one in from the US, could probably put an order together.


    "If God wanted us to be vegetarian....why did he make meat taste so good?"

  2. #2
    Almost literate. veitnamcam's Avatar
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    I use a bit of black plastic 8mm air line hose about 200mm long.
    Fits snug over neck funnel on top and trickle in slowly.

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  3. #3
    GWH is offline
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    I just pour my powder in slowly via funnel as per normal, then tap the case several times on the bench to settle the powder seems to work well.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Go to a model shop,no not that sort of model! Get a nice bit of brass tube of the appropriate length and mount in a timer frame. I use a copper funnel in case of static kaboom with black powder. I drop my BP about 18", so joined two pieces of tube and made it adjustable for diff cartridge lengths
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  5. #5
    dog chaser distant stalker's Avatar
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    Yip amything over 50 starts getting crunchy
    Have seen a intermediate funnels made of pen ends to link funnel to tube but macas suggestion sounds good

  6. #6
    Official Cheese Shaman Spanners's Avatar
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    Step up a notch in powder speed
    I presume you're trying to shoot 125s or something? 2206H is a much better choice

  7. #7
    Member zimmer's Avatar
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    Just make your own. Here is a photo of mine. Cannot get it all into the photo as it is 500mm long. (very looonnngg) Made out of a piece of left over copper pipe from my house with funnel soldered to top. I just hold it in the normal funnel and tip away. I don't like compressed loads. Have found they generally have a higher ES maybe due to the variability of compressing the charge. Drop tube loads however I have great accuracy with. The technique is not to just tip the powder in but to tip it on the side of the top funnel and this creates a swirling effect and the powder settles ever better. Also your 2208 load is right up there and as Spanners points out you may be better going to a faster powder. A change to 2206H should still give reasonable bulk.
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