I used a rifle with a set trigger to shoot my first cape buffalo. The PH almost schidt his shorts when he heard the set "click".
This is an interesting thread with some excellent information.
When new to the great old 9,3X62 I loaded 50 rounds to play with. I'm fortunate to have a private range on my small property here in our wide open spaces, and I have a rest on top of the master bedroom dresser with a 150 yard range out the window and the reloading bench in the adjacent laundry room.
I started popping off five shot groups on multiple targets I set up and had shot #6 go "click". I waited a minute and wrapped a quilt against my head as a barrier, then opened the bolt. I found a faint dent in the primer.
You guessed it; I sized the brass down too much. I was able to pull the bullets, dump powder, drop a dab of oil inside the cases onto the primers and de-prime.
I ran a .375 expander into the necks and neck sized with enough second shoulder to headspace with a firm bolt closure, loaded the pulled bullets over pistol powder and filler and fire formed the brass to the chamber. I have only one 9,3X62, so I neck size only now. The 9,3X62 is finicky about proper headspace.