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Thread: This is F**ked

  1. #46
    Join Date
    Jan 2021
    Out of interest, did they sell at that price.

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  2. #47
    Member Beetroot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trout View Post
    It must be hard for the competition shooters,shooting 1000rds a year.Guess they try to keep well stock.Good luck with that.
    Tell me about it.
    When you can go through 100 rounds per competition and 50 rounds in a training session without batting an eyelid, you'd have needed to stock up 4 years ago to be getting through this without planning 10 steps ahead.

    Seems as though the US is getting primers just fine as comp shooters there haven't had to worry for a while now.

  3. #48
    Member Flyblown's Avatar
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    Scalping has been around for as long as money. It’s been a part of our economic landscape since Roman times, probably before.

    Broadly speaking it is quite an unpleasant approach to commerce, one that never fails to get the backs up of those who desperately want or desperately need (big difference) whatever it is the scalper has for sale. But like it or not, it will never go away. It’s part of the free market economy, always has been, always will. Patients will usually overcome, because the supply and demand balance is always changing and before you know it what you want will be available from where you normally buy it.

    Something I think about quite a lot is how comfortable we have become and how unprepared we are for when the shit hits the fan. The primer shortage isn’t a matter of life or death, but there’s all sorts of things we are entirely dependent upon that would quickly become a matter of life or death if they suddenly weren’t available anymore. If something happened that seriously broke the supply chain (war, natural disaster, etc) then we would see scalping on a scale that would make those in need desperately angry. And they would be absolutely fuck all they could do about it.

    The moral of the story is to plan ahead, on a practical level. Make changes to simplify what you do where you can. Shoot smarter, use different rifles / ammo / components. Trade stuff like some of the fellas are doing on here. When I could see what was coming a couple of years ago I simplified what I do - I bought lots of the same cheap softpoints in place of expensive & hard to find latest & greatest, bought bulk one-fired brass, a big-ish powder purchase so that I have one powder that covers both hunting rifles (2208). I bought two 1,000 boxes each of SRP and LRP at the regular price after a warning that things were going downhill. Is that unfair? Course not. It’s good planning.

    Dropping the nice to have fancy cartridges has been a blessing in disguise really, I realise I didn’t really need them in the first place.

    I get that this doesn’t shoot the competition shooters and I feel for those fellas. But for hunters there’s a lot we can do to ease the pain of poor supply.

  4. #49
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    Jun 2021
    Quote Originally Posted by 257weatherby View Post
    Not a Labour's supporter, so I don't go about "aspiring " to anything. Feel free to find someone on this forum that can claim I overcharged, ripped off. Took advantage of......... Pssst, keep it on the quiet, but I have a few trays of LR primers I was thinking about selling now the price is getting up there - you want first dibs? $50 a tray seems fair.....��
    Your Tikka stock is very well priced in my opinion and if I had a spre 3 hundy I would grab it!
    257weatherby likes this.

  5. #50
    Member Burb122's Avatar
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    This is F**ked

    Quote Originally Posted by dannyb View Post
    The primers I quoted were not $1 reserve bidded up to $100 that is the start price, for clarity if people want to bid up to unreasonable prices that's on them. I don't agree with what is quite clearly gouging at 5x retail cost. Last I'll be commentimg on this thread, clearly there are 2 schools of thought on this and maybe I'm old fashioned but charging people 5x the cost of a reail consumable (not a collecters piece) just doesn't sit right with me.
    It’s scalping. No one likes scalping or should endorse it. Vast majority would agree.
    Happy to go without. Just hate seeing it and it should be noted.

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  6. #51
    Member Burb122's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 257weatherby View Post
    I could actually spare a tray of LR primers to test the dollar reserve idea, see if I can angrify a few Karen's......

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  7. #52
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Burb122 View Post
    Yea right mate, ripping peoples sports off is just sweet as. Obviously a H&F guy here

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    Police are becoming experts at it
    Burb122, timattalon and No.3 like this.
    Boom, cough,cough,cough

  8. #53
    sneakywaza I got
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trout View Post
    As for 257Weatherby,he had a item i wanted,i had a item he wanted.Items about the same value so we just meet up and swapped items.A good deal for both of us.No ripping off or price gouging.Good bugger to deal with.
    Shhhhh! I am a price gouging unsportsmanlike captalist pig dontcha know!, oh, and a weirdo too ��
    Trout, Micky Duck, RUMPY and 2 others like this.

  9. #54
    Member Rock river arms hunter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 257weatherby View Post
    Not a Labour's supporter, so I don't go about "aspiring " to anything. Feel free to find someone on this forum that can claim I overcharged, ripped off. Took advantage of......... Pssst, keep it on the quiet, but I have a few trays of LR primers I was thinking about selling now the price is getting up there - you want first dibs? $50 a tray seems fair.....��

    The free market is the free market(which I'm all for) but then there's screwing over other shooters after everything we've gone through since 2019 I would've thought people had more decency than this.

    If you sell something for 5 times the price of what you paid for it that sets a precedent which others will use as the yard stick to sell something for.

    I never claimed nor have I claimed you've- overcharged or ripped anyone off.

    I can almost guarantee I've got more primers than you but whatever floats your boat there.

  10. #55
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    For me it’s just willing seller willing buyer?

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    Trout, erniec, norsk and 1 others like this.

  11. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rock river arms hunter View Post
    The free market is the free market(which I'm all for) but then there's screwing over other shooters after everything we've gone through since 2019 I would've thought people had more decency than this.

    If you sell something for 5 times the price of what you paid for it that sets a precedent which others will use as the yard stick to sell something for.

    I never claimed nor have I claimed you've- overcharged or ripped anyone off.

    I can almost guarantee I've got more primers than you but whatever floats your boat there.
    Got to keep this in perspective. Really, this only involves a few shooters nattering on the internet (here) and at the most a bigger handful of shooters who buy shooting consumables off Trade Me. It means nothing and sets no precedent. Most hunters and shooters don't use trade me, never visit a forum or particularly give a toss. The high consumers plan ahead and the casual shooter scratch around and get what they can from the retailers.

    Primers will come. They will be more expensive because of freight costs, labour costs and inflation. Not 'cos someone was naughty on Trade Me.
    Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing, and right-doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.
    - Rumi

  12. #57
    Member Burb122's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tahr View Post
    Got to keep this in perspective. Really, this only involves a few shooters nattering on the internet (here) and at the most a bigger handful of shooters who buy shooting consumables off Trade Me. It means nothing and sets no precedent. Most hunters and shooters don't use trade me, never visit a forum or particularly give a toss. The high consumers plan ahead and the casual shooter scratch around and get what they can from the retailers.

    Primers will come. They will be more expensive because of freight costs, labour costs and inflation. Not 'cos someone was naughty on Trade Me.
    I personally think you are off with your 1990s vision. A huge majority of the new Gen hunters are internet savvy and do a lot of there shopping online and trademe. Literally 1000s of hunting gear and kit sold daily on trademe, let alone what’s sold online (why do retailers have websites I wonder)

    Just saying. If many pay $65 for a 100 primers. What becomes the new normal price? And what do retailers want to now charge?

    I guess I want this thread to head you all to not buy in. Just wait if you can.

    I’m not a rich guy and to enjoy my sport I want to be as fair and reasonably as possible.

    We all mocked the toilet paper people right. This is similar.

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  13. #58
    Member Burb122's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GDMP View Post
    Righto.....as I work 'in trade' I asked the big cheese at work today, what exactly is the situation as you know it, with primers.....and was told, it is expected that the supply situation regards primers in NZ should ease considerably in the 2nd half of 2023.To their knowledge there are no significant shipments of Federal or CCI on the horizon.However,RWS brand primers should be available soon on the local market, and Expansion brand (the new place making them in the US) should be available this year as well, initially in small rifle size and then large rifle sometime later in the year.So in the 2nd half of this year things should improve markedly for handloaders regards primer availability.No idea about pricing etc just availability.I am just repeating here what I was told.......so don't shoot the messenger.
    Thanks mate, appreciate the input

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  14. #59
    Join Date
    Dec 2020
    Mixed views on this, supply and demand is ok and I don't begrudge someone selling something at the new "market" price at a profit, but what I hate is those scalpers that hoover up all the components from the retailers when shipments arrive (that they never intend to use) and then whack them on trade me a day later at 200%+ mark ups because theres a shortage.

    Making a few dollars by trading components that are scarce doesn't really get me excited, I'd much rather share any surplus i don't need, at the price I paid (or cost to replace) and feel good that a fellow hunter/shooter is able to keep doing what they love.
    Burb122, Tentman and Muttonguts like this.

  15. #60
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    I heard an interesting story re the RWS primers . . . Along the lines of "there was a container of RWS primers headed to NZ, enough to solve the shortage for the forseable future, however whilst enroute Beretta purchased RWS. The container of primers headed for NZ was turned around and ordered to be sent back" . I'd be very interested to know if its just a story or not, and if its not, how the decision was arrived at. The answer would certainly influence my purchasing decisions of the future!
    timattalon, Micky Duck and dannyb like this.



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