Could you do with some primers?
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Our population is very small,but theres hope as one area in the USA has 35 million people affected by flooding.So we might get some hunting supplies that were destin for them.
Yeah and there's also a time honored saying of; treat others how you want to be treated.
If you want to make a quick buck and be a cun+ yeah sure go for but in turn expect others in a small community to take note and treat you like one when you need something.
So next time you need something and it's doubled, trippled or worse in price and it's for sale just remember you aspire this kind of carry on.
All good, thanks for the offer tho mate, happy hunting in Norway, hope to get over there sometime to visit my partners best friend.
Cripes there is some paradoxical thinking here.
So what if primers were posted on Trademe for $1/100 with no reserve and they were run up by buyers to the same sorts of price or greater than what kicked this thread off. Who would you lambast then?? 'Cos that's the demand side playing out in a tight market. True Act market love.
On the other hand we could all agree on what the maximum price for primers should be and lock up anyone who dared to sell primers over and above that. We could control the primer market. That's true Labour market control.
The primers I quoted were not $1 reserve bidded up to $100 that is the start price, for clarity if people want to bid up to unreasonable prices that's on them. I don't agree with what is quite clearly gouging at 5x retail cost. Last I'll be commentimg on this thread, clearly there are 2 schools of thought on this and maybe I'm old fashioned but charging people 5x the cost of a reail consumable (not a collecters piece) just doesn't sit right with me.
Irrespective of where we sit on gun ownership per capital, I would suggest that our consumption of ammo is so inconsequential that were we to completely stop consuming for a decade it would not noticeably alter the profitability graph of any global supplier. Five million people at the bottom of the world are simply not that important to any global supplier of anything.
Not a Labour's supporter, so I don't go about "aspiring " to anything. Feel free to find someone on this forum that can claim I overcharged, ripped off. Took advantage of......... Pssst, keep it on the quiet, but I have a few trays of LR primers I was thinking about selling now the price is getting up there - you want first dibs? $50 a tray seems fair.....
No reserve equals market value at the time.Buyers choice.
@Burb122 Not if Labour has its way.......They cannot control the population if the population is not dependant on them. And they will never depend on them for food if they can hunt for it...
As for 257Weatherby,he had a item i wanted,i had a item he wanted.Items about the same value so we just meet up and swapped items.A good deal for both of us.No ripping off or price gouging.Good bugger to deal with.