What a desperation. And a terrible benchmark to be setting..
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What a desperation. And a terrible benchmark to be setting..
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There's another dick selling them for $100 a tray, he even states he has shit tonnes of them so you can buy as many as you like![]()
Condition used? Hell I've got a fortune sitting in the bin
Bitch, moan and spit, but this is how commerce works, buy something and sell it for more than you paid. The world has never been any other way. Words of advice for prospective Karen's: If you don't like it, don't buy it and learn to go without.
Sorry but we'll have to agree to disagree there, there is making a quick profit and there is totally ripping people off and at $100 a tray I would say that's the latter.
Far from a Karen here, I mean even double the purchase price would be steep but justifiable but 5x is beyond a joke.
I certainly won't be buying from people like that.
Gouging is gouging and it's a shitty thing to do.
That's my 2 cents and you are welcome to your own opinion, I'm certainly not trying to change your mind.
Presumably the buyer was happy to pay that, maybe in desperation, to obtain something he /she needed badly. I'm sure that person realised just how far over sensible pricing he / she paid. Gotta wonder why though.
If the seller is a decent person I would hope that some of that purchase price would be offered in refund to the buyer, after taking a fair margin for themselves.
It's a funny old world we live in currently but I hope some human decency might prevail here.
I told that scummer Luke from Rangiora he was an ASSHOLE for trying to sell a 200 CCI primers for $99 and the dickhead accused me of being a Labour supporter! Clearly he must be a Labour party member if he's so willing to fuck over fellow shooters! Fyi I'm an ACT supporter all the way, only party with any brains!