Doing some load development for my mate @Freezer
He brought a bag of 50 brand new federal brass for 270w
We between me and him have fired arround 30 of the 50 so far
The primer pockets on the new brass was a bit looser than the brass I use in my rifles lapua/norma but not bad
For this next round of loading I decided to use once fired brass as its fireformed
Which I loaded up yesterday evening
I was expecting to lose a couple of cases because the 1st round produced high pressures on about 3 or 4 rounds
Out of 30 cases 3 were not reusable the primer pockets were just to loose to be safe
I was kind of expecting that..
However what I wasn’t expecting is even the ones with Absolutely no pressure signs were already Significantly looser than
New most feel like they might only have one or 2 shots left in them
Surely brass life should be better than 3-4 fireings
Has anyone run into this issue is it a Quality control issue with federal brass
Or is it generally pretty good?