There is absolutely nothing wrong with having one load for multiple rifles. The factories do it all the time. For your goat load I suggest around 43 grains of AR2206H. This used to be called a middle load or half way between start and max for the 150 grain projectile. For projectile any 150 grain flat base soft point will do. For this the flat base is preferred as it is likely to shoot well in most rifles. For your longer range red deer load you could use a 150 grain boat tail projectile of your choice with the charge worked up to max assuming the boat tail shoots well in your rifle. Keep these loads away from your mates. I used this combination for years with IMR and milsurp 4895. With the faster load zeroed for 200 yards (this was a while ago) the lighter load shot close to zero at 100 yards. You can do the same thing with 165 grain projectiles with less powdwer to suit but your mates are likely using 150 grain projectiles. .308 rifles often shoot different weights of projectiles to different points of impact, something to look out for.
As far as good projectiles and loads for reds I can do no better to quote a friend we shall call The Great Guru who said "When you are using the .308 projectile choice does not matter". I can't improve on that.
Regards Grandpamac.