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  • 1 Post By Marty Henry

Thread: Fiocchi primers

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2012
    North Otago

    Fiocchi primers

    Anyone useing fiocchi primers in there large rifle
    good bad or other

  2. #2
    Member Beavis's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    I like them

  3. #3
    Almost literate. veitnamcam's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    I liked them then they seemed to dissappear. ..obviously more around now?

    Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
    "Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.

    308Win One chambering to rule them all.

  4. #4
    Member Marty Henry's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    I like any primer that works Winchester lr excluded as i have a pitted bolt head thanks to them. Believe they are ok now but havnt bothered cci or murom work fine at present.
    MassiveAttack likes this.

  5. #5
    Member zimmer's Avatar
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    Oct 2012
    I have been using them in my less fussy reloads (reloads other than for my target rifles) and have found them vg. Would use them any day over Win (stopped using them when they changed from silver to bronzy coloured ones) and Federal std. Have used large and small rifle also small pistol in my Hornet. Was about to get some more and must admit as per post #3 to not seeing them lately.

  6. #6
    Codswallop Gibo's Avatar
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    The Hill
    Used them until I grabbed a heap of fed. No issues.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    NZ NRA supplies them to their members doing 1000yds....

    Ive used them for 2 years now I think for 308w, no issues (not tried 303brit yet). Some others have has mis-fires in barnard actions so Ive bought their primers off them, so I'd suggest getting a 150pack and trying them before getting a 1500 box just in case.
    Last edited by steven; 19-04-2016 at 08:15 AM.
    "I do not wish to be a pawn or canon fodder on the whims of MY Government"

  8. #8
    Member zimmer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by steven View Post
    NZ NRA supplies them to their members doing 1000yds....

    Ive used them for 2 years now I think for 308w, no issues (not tried 303brit yet). Some others have has mis-fires in barnard actions so Ive bought their primers off them, so I'd suggest getting a 150pack and trying them before getting a 1500 box just in case.
    @steven I batch all my primers for my target rifles by measuring primers' depth. I use a 21st Century priming tool to then seat the primers with a 1.5 preload and adjust the tool for each batch. CCI BR and Fed GM primers are reasonably consistent in depth measurement whilst the Fiocchi are not. Maybe the guys with misfires are seating to a constant depth in which case some primers may not be seating to the bottom of the pockets. If they are seating to feel probably no problems. Usual cause of misfires in a rifle in good condition is primers not seated correctly with anvils in contact with the bottom of the primer pocket. (You know all this already so excuse me appearing to try and teach you to suck eggs)At any rate I have found Fiocchi give good results with lowish ES and after using maybe 500 have never experienced a misfire in Barnards, my Omarks or my K31s.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Zimmer, no I am learning more and more every day, the more I learn the more I think I know so little, also I have a memory like a sieve, LOL old age . I use a hand tool to feel and after 1000 fiocchi, not one issue but I also use Fed210 (only on the Enfield and only because Ms were not available so I am using them up), Fed210M and Fed 205MAR, similar numbers, no issues. Many in the club use them, no issues and while in both cases its a Barnard P action I dont think its the issue.

    I dont bother with such "extreme" loading techniques at the moment as the Enfields and club gun I use dont justify it, though they finally put a brand new barrel on the club gun for this weekend so I might spend the time doing a load for it. Trying to get a 26inch barrel for my AR but its a 6months wait and $1200+ (650USD plus shipping plus State Department $250USD fee) holy cow when I got the quote.
    "I do not wish to be a pawn or canon fodder on the whims of MY Government"



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