primers are not always the best indicator of pressure, velocity at a given charge will certainly give you a better indication (there's a lot more to it than that but just a heads up) not trying to tell you how to suck eggs just pointing out if you want to now what your pressure is at there are ways to figure it out using velocity, charge weight, seating depth, brass capacity etc etc otherwise you are just guessing in reality.
Some can make educated guesses based on experience, it really depends how far down the rabbit hole you want to go, and how far/hot you want to push your load.
there are no free lunches if you increase charge weight or seating depth pressure will increase and things will wear out faster and recoil harder etc etc.
you state its a bush gun ? will the 41.5gn load do what you need it to at he max range you are likely to use it out to ? if so why waste projectiles and primers etc ? end of the day it's your load, do what you want but i think your already onto a pretty good load there.