With my new 260 I decided to try something different with working up a good load. My method to date has involved loading up 4 or 5 loads per powder charge with increments of 0.5gr ,starting about 1/3 of a way up between book min and max and then shooting groups, going with whatever gets the tightest and then finetuning from there. That method has worked well for me to date, but can be a fairly long process.
This time I thought I'd try a ladder test, shot at around 285m - image below
Loads 1-6 ranged from 37.5 grains 40gr of 2208 with a 120gn ELD-M. I shot the loads 1 through 6, and then shot the same over a chronograph - Velocities seemed reasonable out of a 21.5in barrel
1- 2751
2- 2759
3- 2808
4- 2845
5- 2878
6- 2923
With no real cluster of groups can anything be interpreted from this??....Velocities were around what I was after around loads 4 and 5 so I was going to load up a few more of those charge weights and see what groups look like. Any other interpretations would be appreciated...