Hello Gents,
I recently purchased a 7mm Rem Mag Browning X-Bolt and also bought some once fired Norma brass off Trademe.
I found that the cases all had a bad bulge right in front of the belt. SAAMI spec is 13.02mm. these measure 13.25-13.30.
My FLS die could not deal with this and just shaved brass off and pushed it up against the belt. Not being able to get hold of one of the collet body dies (and being impatient) I decided to try squeezing the bulge out using a 13mm ER32 collet held in a collet block in my mill vice. Long story short, it works! It takes quite a bit of force, and you have to size it, the rotate it a small amount and size again to remove the lines from the collet, but after that I am able to run it through my FLS die perfectly and it chambers in my rifle.
Its not a fast method, but if you have ER collets and no collet body die, you can salvage oversized brass.