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Thread: FL resized rounds wont chamber

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2023

    FL resized rounds wont chamber

    Ok so I’m having issues with my full length resized brass not chambering in my rifle (7mm WSM Remington 700).
    I have set up the die according to Hornady specs and run the brass through the die as so. Bear in mind I am using once or twice fired brass here. I have no virgin brass, sadly i ran all of my once fired brass through the FL die before realising this was going to be an issue. Dont know if this is going to be a good of bad thing.

    This resized brass does not chamber into my rifle meaning that I cannot close the bolt at all.

    I have since purchased a Hornady headspace comparator to see if adjusting my shoulder bump would solve the issue.

    I then followed the Hornady instructions on how to do this https://youtu.be/iYTOPm20qKo.

    I did this with 3 pieces of once fired brass (not from my rifle but a friends 7mm WSM) and i still am not able to close the bolt. I was aiming for the recommended 2 thou shoulder bump. The adjustments i made to the FL die would of added up to no more than half a turn down.

    Am i buggered here untill im able to either get some virgin brass or fire the remaining of my loads that do chamber ?

    Any help here would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Member ElDax's Avatar
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    Are you trimming the brass? Max case length is 53.34mm trim length 53mm

  3. #3
    Member hunter Al.7mm08's Avatar
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    I would draw all over the resized case with a vivid/sharpie/highlighter. Then try chambering it, then look for rubbed of ink on the case. Should tell you where the contact point is. If it's rubbed on the shoulder bump it back a little more.etc

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  4. #4
    PTK is offline
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    I have had issues using 2nd hand brass, best to use cases fireformed in your own rifle as the base dimensions may be different

  5. #5
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    the very first step...and its bloody hard to help you UNTIL you do it...is to get a felt tip vivid and totally clour a tight fitting round...all over including projectile...chamber it and then work bolt up n down a bit 4-5-6 times..yes you wont be shutting bolt completely because it wont fit....doing this will tell you/us eggzachary where your issue is...when you remove round there will be a distinct area now without and felt colouring... THAT is where your round is contacting,causing issues.
    will.i.em and BenTheBuilder like this.
    75/15/10 black powder matters

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Yes i have been trimming to 53.1mm here are some photos of a round that fits, a round that doesnt and the length of the case of the round that doesnt
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  7. #7
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    yip you have a fancy doohicky measuring device...BUT as you have found out...it doesnt help you because you DONT KNOW WHERE the problem is.
    hunter Al.7mm08 likes this.
    75/15/10 black powder matters

  8. #8
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    yea yea im getting to that. Please find attached issue
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  9. #9
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    bugger.....so now you have delima...do you pull all the tight loads...remove guts from FLR die and screw the bugger down a bit more like should have done in first place...replace powder and projectile and rety for fit....do 3-6-9 rounds to make sure will chamber...and then do the rest....
    or try something else......
    if you pull them,put powder aside resize then put back together one at a time...it takes some time but will be not hard to do and no remeasuring powder....
    75/15/10 black powder matters

  10. #10
    Member hunter Al.7mm08's Avatar
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    "I did this with 3 pieces of once fired brass (not from my rifle but a friends 7mm WSM) and i still am not able to close the bolt. "
    Do your loaded rounds chamber in his rifle?

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  11. #11
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    I don’t mind remeasuring the powder. So happy to pull the pills out and crank the die down. What I can’t wrap my head around is that the case holder makes contact with the bottom of the die so how does cranking it down further change anything ?

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by hunter Al.7mm08 View Post
    Do your loaded rounds chamber in his rifle?

    Sent from my SM-G525F using Tapatalk
    About 10 of the 45 I reloaded do not fit.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Te Awamutu
    I have an idea on what might be going wrong.
    Is the fired brass from your rifle? A few above have assumed not I didn't see if you've confirmed.

    If it is not, the fact you are talking about "shoulder bump" points to the issue. Shoulder bump only applies when resizing brass previously fired in the rifle you intend to shoot it in and in so doing this does not fully re-size the brass back to spec.

    Likewise the headspace comparator is useless to you with brass from another rifle. It does not measure the shape/size of the brass other than one specific distance and should, in general, only be used for comparing brass fired in the same chamber. The previous chamber may be be much looser than yours and thus even with the same headspace measurement as a piece of brass that fits in your chamber it won't chamber as another dimension is still oversize.

    Forget about shoulder bump, set your die up to ensure your die is bottoming out on your shell holder and properly full length size the brass back to spec. Then check.
    dannyb and charliehorse like this.

  14. #14
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    should have seen this to begin with....
    if your thinking of adjusting shoulder bump you ARE NOT full length resizing
    you might be partial length resizing...but your NOT full length resizing...eg your die isnt contacting your base....so your round isnt getting squished back to the saami specs..... this is the balancing act..squish it enough to fit but not too much to overwork brass.
    if your die and base ARE touching and you still having same issue...possibly a large die and small chamber. but it shouldnt happen.... the only other solution/reason given for this has been not lubing necks and the expander ball pulling shoulder forward when ball is pulled back through neck....
    75/15/10 black powder matters

  15. #15
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    Apr 2015
    hard case we bot htyping at same time to say same thing LOL
    Makros likes this.
    75/15/10 black powder matters



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