Something I have run into is the case having to much up and down movement in the shell holder. Shell holder touches bottom of die and case movement is enough to stop shoulder being bumped back enough.
Something I have run into is the case having to much up and down movement in the shell holder. Shell holder touches bottom of die and case movement is enough to stop shoulder being bumped back enough.
LEE lube...throw that tooth paste imitating case stuffing press jamming crap away as far as you can...NOW....RIGHT NOW not tomorrow do it now....
the amount of headaches caused by slighty incorrect use of it is unreal.....(this is the ONLY product made my LEE that I swear at rather than swear by) I know of many stuck cases and eve na ripped out die that could be linked to its use.....
garden variety vasoline is 1000 times easier to use and more reliable as are a multitude of other products
if you look in the thread I bumped you will see a photo of nosler manual discription of patial length resizing... the fact you have said you can turn 1/3 of a turn and then another 1/3 of a turn SUGGESTS you are at least 2/3rds of a turn loose from proper full length sizing set your press up till die contacts shell holder then screw in a further turn...... yes this will make your brass as small as it can possibly be...but the buggers will chamber in 99% of cases...
75/15/10 black powder matters
Greetings again,
I am getting the impression the problem you are having is with loaded rounds and wonder if the problem is being created in the seating die. Here is a test for you.
1. Remove the decapping rod and neck expander for your FL die.
2. Wind the FL sizing die down until it touches the shell holder. Back the ram out and wind the die down one full turn further and lock the ring.
3. Full length size with the shell holder making hard contact with the die. You should feel the case shoulder contact the shoulder inside the die and after that the shell holder contacting the die.
4. Chamber the case in your rifle. It should fit.
If not either the die or the chamber is out of spec. If it does chamber then the problem is elsewhere.
Next we look at the seating die.
1. Place a case that is within spec for length in the shell holder with no die in the press and run the ram up the whole way. Put your seating die in the press with the locking ring backed out and carefully turn the die down until you feel the crimping shoulder touch the case.
2. Turn the die back out one full turn and lock the ring.
If the seating die crimp shoulder touches the case mouth this can bulge the case just behind the shoulder and make chambering hard.
You mentioned that your rifle is an M700 and I don't remember Remington ever chambering the 7mm WSM so if this is a replacement barrel the chamber could be quite tight. You mentioned that some rounds will not chamber in your friends rifle which tells me that somewhere in the loading process something is going pear shaped. Keep at it and you will get there.
Regards Grandpamac.
My rifle Remington 700 BDL has had a 24" True-Flite barrel fitted, sako extractor and has had some alterations to improve the feeding plus a few other things that wont be playing a part in this issue. i havnt tried my rounds in my friends rifle as he no longer owns a 7mm wsm , it is his once fired brass that he has given me but thats not important right now as non of that brass has been loaded up. its only my own once fired (from MY rifle) brass that has been used to make the rounds that we are dealing with.
I will attempt your suggestions this afternoon and report back.
If none of that works try holding the case as high as it will go in the shell holder and slip a feeler guage under it so theres no up and down movement. Remove decapping rod and size.
Always learning, struggling to get accurate seating depths the other day. I tried using my Lee hand press, which did a way better job. Reason the Lee hand press has a physical stop as my main press doesn't and is spongy, solution a piece of plate steel screw into postion so as the make a hard stop, so lever pressure is always repeatable. Helps to get rid of all the linkage travel and is very precise, 1 thou as where before they were ranging by 4 thou.
@chainsaw are you still up here? Ben is only 15 mins from you if do. I remember you were a godsend in finding out the issues with my 284s chamber
Try screw the die down till it touches the shell holder then screw down a little more this sometimes helps
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@grandpamac i tried the steps as you described and the unprimed case did not fit
what does the fella who put the build together have to say??
75/15/10 black powder matters
i bought the rifle second hand, i didnt do the work, it was carried out buy Hardy rifle engineering in 2016. its not the previous owners problem so i have no intention of bringing it up with him after owning the rifle for 3.5 years
hmmmm I seem to recall a certain dog chasing member had a HUGE shitfight involving a rem 700 custom build..and the gunsmith mentioned also sounds familiar....lack of camming ability in 700s of that time being part of issue..... @mikee am I recalling correctly??/
75/15/10 black powder matters
Nope.......... @Micky Duck, you are incorrect my "dog" was not a Hardy built gun. And its issue was reliable extraction or lack of it.
Mine was from certain Local "no worries bro" Custom Gun Guy that sold me my brand new customer single shot repeater.
If he is reading this he might like to know that since it was repaired by a proper gunsmith it has fired over another 700 rounds then then re-barreled in same calibre and done another 778 as of this morning all with out one single failure to extract!! Must have been my dodgy reloading after all ...........................................
I would note there was nothing wrong with its accuracy in any way at all which was great it was a crap shoots as to whether or not you could reload reliably.
As far as the original poster goes I still think best course of action is to have an experienced reloader have a look at your setup/proceedures.
I believe Steves Wholesale has Nosler Brass on order for 7WSM but it will be spendy.
Last edited by mikee; 13-08-2023 at 09:19 PM. Reason: added to post
Trust the dog.........................................ALWAYS Trust the dog!!