FL resized rounds wont chamber
Ok so I’m having issues with my full length resized brass not chambering in my rifle (7mm WSM Remington 700).
I have set up the die according to Hornady specs and run the brass through the die as so. Bear in mind I am using once or twice fired brass here. I have no virgin brass, sadly i ran all of my once fired brass through the FL die before realising this was going to be an issue. Dont know if this is going to be a good of bad thing.
This resized brass does not chamber into my rifle meaning that I cannot close the bolt at all.
I have since purchased a Hornady headspace comparator to see if adjusting my shoulder bump would solve the issue.
I then followed the Hornady instructions on how to do this https://youtu.be/iYTOPm20qKo.
I did this with 3 pieces of once fired brass (not from my rifle but a friends 7mm WSM) and i still am not able to close the bolt. I was aiming for the recommended 2 thou shoulder bump. The adjustments i made to the FL die would of added up to no more than half a turn down.
Am i buggered here untill im able to either get some virgin brass or fire the remaining of my loads that do chamber ?
Any help here would be greatly appreciated.