Is there one? My Forster seater die marks/deforms my 6.5mm Amax jackets. I've put up with it for ages but I should really find a solution - either a VLD stem, some grinding paste and a cordless drill, or a set of Redding dies.
Is there one? My Forster seater die marks/deforms my 6.5mm Amax jackets. I've put up with it for ages but I should really find a solution - either a VLD stem, some grinding paste and a cordless drill, or a set of Redding dies.
Start simple
Find out why the die marks the projectiles.
Fix this.
Might just need adjustment or a polish.
Or just buy another die if you want.
Like this?
A pointy pine tree die grinder bit fixed this die .
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Have you tried less neck tension - I've found this causes more deforming or seating ring problem or even lube neck with graphite powder
I'm not worried about the dents except that they seem to dent inconsistently (inconsistent neck tension? Can of worms...) and it causes my seating depth to vary a little
No I'm not neck turning because fuck that and I don't have a bushing die becuase the bushings I want aren't in stock and haven't been for the last 18 months
I asked Forster about this when I ordered my .260 dies a couple years ago because my .243 dies from them left a ring on the A-Maxs and they said that all their BR series dies come standard with the seater stem suitable for VLD type bullets.
If you don't get Dirt, Blood or Grease under your nails it ain't a hobby
Gimp, try BRT Shooting Supplies in Brisbane QLD, quite handy in this area. Stuart Elliot is the contact, they also stock Forster gear.