Cheers yep that page is excellant
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Cheers yep that page is excellant
Attachment 120106Attachment 120105
Went really well with the exception of a certain dumpass forgetting that i would need a lot more elevation... ended up needing 43 extra clicks to begin with. At 46gns it needed to lose 7. But no change left or right which is excellent. But wow look at those freakin holes! My poor target frame
But i dont think i want anymore recoil on this thing untill i get a supressor or helical brake. It already needs the sling. In fairness the 300s aren't a whole lot more pleasant to shoot so i figure "in for a penny in for a pound"
Yep big hunks of lead do alot of damage! I see your load isn't too far off mine, I'm running 48.5grs of 2207 with the 400gr speers.
Mines a marlin guide gun probably around 7.5 pounds. Haven't chronographed but taking into account its 18.5inch barrel should be around 1800fps.