Gunpowder - Wellington
Hi everyone,
Just wondering what the best places in the Wellington region (or North Island with shipping) to source/backorder powder from are?
I am mainly after AR2213sc and possibly AR2208 as my stock of powder I brought with me when I moved to Wellington is starting to thin out.
Any recommendations appreciated.
Silverfin in Manawatu . Some times on TM. Google it.
I believe outdoor supplies carterton will take back orders and you may be able to pick up in Wellington when it arrives but best to check.
I heard fishing and hunting do back orders but I've never tried myself.
I've tried a back order with reloading direct but they couldn't hold in Wellington.
As above silverfin advertise on TM but prices seem high (I may just be out of touch).
Belmont are getting powder soon which I'm waiting for but they don't supply what you are after.
You're unlikely to find any that will ship now but some have friends that travel and occasionally they offer to try getting it to you
Could also try Wayne at the Outdoor Hut in Upper Hutt
Wilsons Hunting in Wanganui has 2213SC (and Primers) , No shipping thou . Worth the Drive
The importer is steves wholesale in island bay, wellington. H and F in Napier has heaps of 2208