First test with absolute hammers in my 6.5 Creedmoor for anyone thats interested / been looking at the hammer projectiles.
Tikka T3X 24 Inch 1/8 Twist - Brand new so may speed up?
97gr Absolute Hammer
Lapua Brass
Started at 41gr & run up to 44.5gr 2206h - Just under 3500fps & no pressure signs yet, 44.5gr was a .7 MOA group at the seating depth i picked to start a speed test with so no doubt will tighten up by playing with seating depths next time at the range.
Pretty impressive speed, with hammers estimated G7 BC of .166 thats 1000ftlb/2100fps @ 500yd & 1800fps (hammers stated reliable expansion threshold) out to just under 650 yards. Cool!