124 grn 6.5 prc Hammer bullet. 3100 fps. 150 yards.
You can see the shank exit and 3 petal exits above it. The petals fly off and the shank always seems to exit.
124 grn 6.5 prc Hammer bullet. 3100 fps. 150 yards.
You can see the shank exit and 3 petal exits above it. The petals fly off and the shank always seems to exit.
Back of the neck at 200. Ouch.
They are the most effective bullet I have ever used but ruin a lot of meat. I’ve got some 64 grn coming for the .223. They were comparatively expensive but with the price hikes on everything else now it’s just the extra freight that makes them a bit more costly to use. An advantage is that they are always available.
Last edited by Tahr; 11-03-2022 at 02:10 PM.
Hammered them!
Shut up, get out & start pushing!
Or as ol mate MC Hammer said......"hammer time"
Nice shooting @Tahr where do the Hammer boolits come from?
I haven't tried Cutting Edge. I've seen them mentioned on the Africa forums, also Northfork I think.
I have tried Outer Edge made in Orange, NSW Australia. I tried one pack, I don't remember anything negative on them.
There is another company Atomic 29 doing monos.
What I did find with Hammer 124gn HH was a tight 3 shot group. Impressed myself but also it's a new barrel fitted aftermarket by a good gunsmith.
Mostly shooting pests so if it's down and dead it's a good projectile.
@CBH Australia had a quick look and couldnt find him
Do you know which dealer it is?
Edit @Tahr so they go good in a 270, have you tried then in the 222 yet?
Maybe good in a 243
Last edited by csmiffy; 13-03-2022 at 04:11 PM.
@Gkp had also done some testing
In an older thread in either his Prc or Saum result very dead deer these are the Monos huh?