Just looking for some cheep projectiles to use on goats at close range and came across these from Delta Mike
Has anyone used these before or know much about them?
Just looking for some cheep projectiles to use on goats at close range and came across these from Delta Mike
Has anyone used these before or know much about them?
@Porter83 I cast a very similar bullet myself, powder coat and gas check it.
These look like a good value option
I do notice they are cast with a gas check base, so they could be used as is of have gas checks added to possibly increase velocity and accuracy
What were you wanting to run them in and what speeds were you hoping to get ?
The Church of
John Browning
of the Later-Day Shooter
Im shooting out of a 308 with 18 barrel. Hoping to get into the 1800ftps nothing faster.
Are you shooting your cast loads through a suppressor with gas checks? Have heard a rumour not a good idea to. What powder are you using for your loads?
Just what others are saying about the projectiles im thinking they are are on the hardside for what Im looking for.
I've used the hrbc bullets in 38 Super, 44-40 & 45-70. I rate them highly for target shooting. They are very hard and won't expand much. I'd look for a bulk deal on hornady interlock or similar for close in goats. You still want expansion for efficient killing.
Pointed round nose in a moderately hard alloy will just make small leaky holes bo matter how fast or slow you push them unless they hit bone. If you want to use cast get in touch with shooternz Robert dies some useful hollow points otherwise buy either m1 carbine type 110 grain bullets or 125 jobbies and push them hard and fast. My 2 cents
Or drill big hole
I shoot a fair bit of these in 9mm, and 38special. while very accurate projectiles i dont know if they would expand very well on animals. although they would be pretty fun loaded up as subbies
$65au for 400
Hunt safe, look after the bush & plug more pests.The greatest invention in the history of man is beer.
A bit more bang is better.
Hunt safe, look after the bush & plug more pests.The greatest invention in the history of man is beer.
A bit more bang is better.
Shame they don't have anything I shoot
I would slug the barrel and make sure you have a good thou of 'engagement' either side. These bulk projos have that thin coating on them. They can be powdercoated later if you find they're a bit loose in the barrel and spreading out too much.